Thursday, September 4, 2014

Red Clover

Red Clover
Trifolium pratense
Red Clover is about as common as White Clover in the average lawn. It's a little bigger and doesn't respond well to mowing so, if you want more Red Clover, don't mow so much.

Interestingly enough, the Red Clover is the state flower of Vermont. How could a somewhat weedy looking non-native plant become a state flower, you ask? Well, back in the 1800's, foreign plants were a bit more highly regarded than they are now. This plant was commonly planted in pastures and was highly prized by farmers to improve the quality of their forage. In 1894, Vermont was very determined to name a state flower and put together a commission representing all of the counties in Vermont and then had a statewide vote. The farmers ruled the day and the Red Clover won!

Leaves have three leaflets with arrow-shaped marks on them
Red Clover is quite common and can get somewhat weedy

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